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APRIL 2021

We have taken over Cadbury Angling Tackle shop which is on site at the fishery WITH NEW STOCK & BAIT IN STORE

Monday - Saturday 7.30am - 5.00pm     
Sunday 7.30am - 12.30pm

You can pre order any bait or tackle for your matches or day ticket sessions.
You can ring the shop on  01934 830033  for any orders or to book into any open matches which may be being held for the Paddock Lake only.

We run an open match every Tuesday throughout the year.


Please can all anglers or vistors take ALL rubbish home with you. Ensure that you bring your own bin bags, as bins are no longer provided due to t
he excessive abuse of them.


The Main carp lake has undertaken some major works. The team have de-silted the lake, re-vamped some swims, given the fish stock a health check and re-built the smaller islands, however the main layout has not changed.  
The fish stock was extremely pleasing as one in four fish are 20lb plus. There are over 400 carp stocked, which have been recorded and photographed, these can be viewed soon.

We have invested in a  Lifepak Defibulator which is fully automatic together with Oxygen Lifeline Kit which will be kept on site at all times.

This is for everyone's benefit who fishes at Acorn or even just visiting.

We will be holding a training morning in the near future and would like to invite anybody who is in a fishing club that fishes at Acorn to come along - it will not cost you anything. When we have a date will let you know soon either via our web site or facebook so please keep a look out.

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