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PLEASE NOTE: these dates may change at any time.

Cadbury Angling Tackle shop with plenty of fresh bait is available in store. The new location of the shop is at the TOP OF THE CAR PARK.
If you require to pre order any bait or tackle please ring the numbers above so that we can put your order on one side for you for collection.

Please note we are open all year round. On any dates not listed below, the paddock lake is available for pleasure fishing.
To book into any of the Tuesday open matches or any of the Acorn Open matches please call the onsite tackle shop (CADBURY ANGLING) 01934830033 to put your name down. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please be respectful and drop us a message to let us know as we tend to have a reserves waiting list, many thanks.

UPDATED 10.4.24

APRIL 2024 
13.4.24 Chris fox open match (ACE OF ACORN QUALIFIER) FULL LAKE
14.4.24 SWD & over 55 club match - FULL LAKE
16.4.24 Tues open match - FULL LAKE 
20.4.24 PAUL NICHOLS SERIES - full lake
21.4.24 SWD & over 55's -full lake 
23.4.24 Tues open match - full lake

27.4.24 SWD & over 55's - full lake
28.4.24 Glamorgan club - full lake 

MAY 2024
04.5.24 Acorn open (ACE OF ACORN QUALIFIER)- full lake
05.5.24 SWD & over 55's - full lake
06.5.24 Acorn open (ACE OF ACORN QUALIFIER) Full lake
07.5.24 Tues open match full lake
09.5.24 Kingswood - part lake/ pleasure pegs available 
11.5.24 Chris Fox open (ACE OF ACORN QUALIFIER) Full lake
12.5.24 SWD & over 55's - Full lake
13.5.24 Wolverhampton Anglers part lake/pleasure pegs available 
14.5.24 Tues open match - Full lake
17.5.24 Rotork part lake - pleasure pegs available 
18.5.24 Paul Nicholls series - Full lake
19.5.24 SWD & over 55's -Full lake
21.5.24 Tues open match - Full lake 
25.5.24 SWD & over 55's - Full lake
26.5.24 Glamorgan - Full lake 
27.5.24 Chris fox short pole open (ace of acorn qualifier) - full lake
28.5.24 Tues open match - full

JUNE 2024
01.6.24 Paul Nicholls series - full lake
02.6.24 SWD & over 55's - full lake 
04.6.24 Tues open match - full lake

08.6.24 Acorn open (ACE OF ACORN QUALIFIER) - full lake
09.6.24 SWD & over 55's - full lake
11.6.24 Tues open match - full lake

12.6.24  Bowater - full lake
13.6.24 Kingswood part lake - pleasure pegs available
15.6.24 Paul Nicholls series - full lake

16.6.24 SWD & over 55's - full lake
18.6.24 Tues open match - full lake

22.6.24 Chris fox open  (ACE OF ACORN QUALIFIER) -full lake
23.6.24 SWD & over 55's - full lake
25.6.24 Tues open match - full lake
27.6.24 Chris Fox Cost cutter open and Ace of Acorn Qualifier - full lake



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